Jack Woolmer – Case Study

Age: 22
Company: Mettler Toledo Safeline
Apprenticeship: Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship in Engineering Manufacture – Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering

What do you enjoy most about your work?
I enjoy pretty much every aspect of my job. The role I have taken on after my Apprenticeship is Mechanical Fitter. Within this department, we manufacture conveyorised metal detection systems to be used in a number of industries (food, pharmaceutical etc.). As every company we cater to has different requirements, it means the systems are often bespoke. This keeps my work fresh and ensures that I am always engaged in the job I’m working on. I really enjoy the challenging nature as it keeps me interested and mentally focused.

Another part of my role that I enjoy is working with different people and building relations with people who outside of work you probably wouldn’t have the chance to speak to. This is a key area where Apprenticeships are beneficial as eventually you will progress into a full time role whilst already having built relations with co-workers.

What project(s) are you working on at the moment?
Currently I am working on a project where we are building a pair of demo conveyors for the service department. These will feature the new platform of metal detectors and allow the service engineers to demonstrate all possible functions that a customer could order on one system.

This has been a challenging project as normally the system would be built to the customers spec. In this case we have to make sure that the system showcases all the possible features that can be added to the conveyor such as three different reject devices that would remove contaminated product.

Throughout my Apprenticeship, I worked on a number of different projects such as the Global Conveyor and the new platform introduction. I think this shows the trust that my company are willing to put into Apprentices. I also think some of these projects have allowed me to become a much better Engineer as I learnt different things from each of them.

What does a typical day at work involve?
As a mechanical fitter, each day is different. This keeps the job fresh and interesting. As we are constantly trying to keep up with customer demands, it can often be quite hectic with no time to slow down, which makes the days go by very quickly. It also feels very rewarding when you complete a system and see it running smoothly with no issues.

What do you see as the biggest challenges in your job?
One of the biggest challenges in my job has been the theory side. Following on from completing my Level 3 Apprenticeship, I was given the opportunity to complete my HND qualification. This includes a number of subjects such as Maths and Mechanical Principles. During school I wasn’t the greatest at calculation based subjects but so far I have strived to complete every piece of work to Distinction standard. Although this is a challenge my tutors and colleagues are always available to help me out and that has made it much easier to understand.

What encouraged you to do an Apprenticeship?
When I was in school no one ever presented the option of doing an Apprenticeship and it very much seemed like the set pathway was to go to college and then university. Having not been the most academically minded this seemed like I could be wasting 3 years in education doing something that might not benefit me in the long run.

As I started researching other options I came across Engineering Apprenticeships. I had always been interested in engineering but with my A level grades studying it at University didn’t seem like an option. Once I realised I could get an Apprenticeship and study whilst doing the job, meaning I would have 3 years’ experience by the time I would have completed a Degree, all of this whilst getting paid a really good wage, it all seemed too good to be true. Thankfully it was true and I came across STEGTA who found the perfect Apprenticeship based on my interests and skills.

What did you do prior to your Apprenticeship?
Before my Apprenticeship, I studied A-levels at a sixth form college: History, Business Studies, Biology and Chemistry. Although I did try to learn at college it was very hard to stay focused as I couldn’t see myself applying any of the skills or theory that I was learning. That’s how I knew engineering was the perfect fit for me as I was actually enjoying learning and trying to apply the theory wherever I could.

What are the benefits?
As I’ve already mentioned the key benefit for me is the experience you gain during your Apprenticeship. Experience is something that you can’t get from just reading a textbook. If you were to do a full Degree you would have to study two years at college and then three years at university. If you were to do an Apprenticeship you would have five years’ experience in this time. However, just because you’re doing an Apprenticeship it doesn’t mean you can’t gain qualifications, most schemes will fund your qualifications and in some cases a Degree. This also means no student debt!

As much as it shouldn’t be your only reason for starting an Apprenticeship, everyone likes to earn money. Apprenticeships, especially in the engineering sector usually pay very well. To be 16-18 years old and earning a good wage can really set you up for life. Apprenticeships pay so well these days that I was able to purchase my own house at 20 years old, this isn’t just me either, a lot of my co-workers and friends have done similar things.

What are your future plans?
Although I’ve only just finished my Level 3 Apprenticeship, I do plan to keep progressing within my company. I think that so far they have invested a lot in my career and I plan to show this has been worthwhile by pushing to move into a senior role within the next few years. I also want to get more involved with the Apprenticeship scheme in my company which helps steer young people into the right direction so they have the opportunities they deserve.

What do you enjoy doing outside work?
In my spare time I enjoy seeing friends and family. I also go to the gym around 5 times a week after work to stay healthy, this gives me something to set my mind to and it’s motivating to see progress. I’m also a season ticket holder at Manchester City and go to the games with my Dad and some friends.