STEGTA Excellence Award 19 – Laurentiu Pogan

We would like to Congratulate Laurentiu who is employed by Oliver Valves, as he has been awarded a STEGTA Excellence Award for Outstanding Performance in STEGTA Training Centre.

We asked Laurentiu how he felt about winning the award.

“Firstly I would like to say that I was really honoured to receive the Stegta Award. I am grateful for the recognition!

I have faced several challenges along the way but with the help of Dave and Eddie from the STEGTA Training Centre and also my manager Mel Stelfox from Oliver Valvetek LTD for which I have the deepest respect. I won this award for my project of the cube in a cube, in a cube.

Thank you very much!

STEGTA Training Instructors commented:

“Laurentinu is an older apprentice and is originally from Romania. He came into the Training Centre to do Hand Fitting, Milling and Turning. He would come into the Training Centre with a mentality “like a dry sponge” and would take everything in. He remained the same from start to finish. Once his basic training was completed he was given a “Stretch & Challenge” piece to do. He chose the Cube in a Cube on the lathes. (Pictured).

He found the drawings online and went ahead to make it without any problems. He even fashioned a stand for it!

Although this may not warrant an award, it must be stressed that his first language is Romanian and even though he could speak broken English, his writing was not the strongest, but that made him even more determined. His Level 2 portfolio is of a high quality and he changes the atmosphere with his bright and cheery attitude. He had to be slowed down; he would race ahead and complete his work whilst everyone else was halfway through the task”.